About Us
The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters is a non-partisan coalition of organizations advocating for federal government leadership and policy to support the health of fresh water—including all inland waters—across Canada.
Collectively, the organizations that form the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters have hundreds of thousands of supporters from different walks of life, from coast to coast to coast.
The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters is a non-Indigenous led coalition.
Any statement or policy position coming from the Coalition does not speak for Indigenous Peoples.

What Unites Us
We are united by a desire to ensure a water secure future for all Canadians.
Protecting healthy waters requires a bold vision to shift the way we relate to water, and how water is managed and governed across the country.
The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters believes the federal government has an important leadership role in to achieving this vision. This must be a collaborative effort that involves all levels of government, integrates Indigenous priorities, and leverages local watershed knowledge .
Advancing Reconciliation
The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters:
Commits to not take or apply for funds that are designated for Indigenous led organizations.
Endeavors to not occupy space that should be occupied by Indigenous Peoples and to create space with decision makers for Indigenous Peoples.
Commits to make it clear in our materials that any statement or policy position coming from the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters does not speak for Indigenous Peoples.
Endeavors to align our policy positions with what Indigenous Peoples are asking of the federal government, recognizing that there are often multiple interests amongst the diversity of Indigenous nations within the country.
The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters is governed by a Steering Committee with a rotating Chair. The 2025 Chair is Kariann Aarup, AquaAction. The Steering Committee is supported by a Secretariat, a role that is currently fulfilled by Our Living Waters.
While the CCHW Steering Committee develops policies for the Coalition based on member interests and input that members advocate together for, individual members have their own unique interests. These interests can form additional policies that individual members may wish to advocate for when engaging with the government. Engaging with the government to advocate for their unique regional and topical interests does not negate general CCHW policies. In essence, while we work together to advance common objectives, we encourage each member to continue advocating for their distinct interests, contributing to the strength and diversity of the Coalition’s advocacy efforts.
Join Us
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